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Record ID:  416
Document Type:  Research
Researcher:  Jashvantbhai Rathod
Devchandbhai Vahoniya
Keywords:  INDUSTRIES Operated in TRIBAL AREAS
Sector:  Tribal Life
University:  Tribal Research And Training Institute, Gujarat
Completed Date: Sep-2006
Abstract:  Development and Welfare works carried out by industries for tribal areas and opinions of the industries about what could be done for the development of tribal areas. In table 2.4.1 the information provided by the industrial units about the development and public welfare works carried out by them has been compiled. From this information, it is seen that, out of total 155 units covered in the study, 34.84 percent (i.e. 54 units) have given their opinions; whereas 65.15 percent (i.e. 101 units) have not given their response. Analysing the available data, it is seen that; * 21.43 Percent have done work for rural development and educational facilities; * 21.43 percent have done work for social development; * 14.05 percent have done rural development activities * 3.57 percent have done health oriented activities * 34.52 percent have done other miscellenous works such as providing drinking water facilities, amentities at various religious places, donation in schools, providing raw material to local bodies/municipality for public welfare facilities etc. What kind of welfare activities were undertaken by the industries ? 21.94 percent of industrial units (34 units) have responded to this question; but 78.06 percent (121 units) were silent on this. Considering the responses of industries available; * 28.57 percent have constructed roads; * 24.49 percent have given financial contribution; * 23.47 percent have contributed towards construction of class rooms in a school; * 3.06 percent have conducted medical check-up and treatment camps in remote tribal areas, * 20.41 percent have provided other facilities such as Hand pumps, donation in a temple, Bore-well for drinking water, water tank, educational aids in a school etc. But as many as 78.06 percent of industrial units have refrained from giving any response; which indicates that industries are not serious about development activities in tribal areas. Table 2.4.2 contains the information as to what could be done for development in tribal areas. In response to this question, the industries responded as under : * 54.76 % opine to raise the employment opportunities * 35.72 % opine to raise the level of education * 4.76 % opine to construct the roads & means of communication * 4.76% opine to increase electricity facilities. * 25.81 % (40 industrial units) were silent on this question. In short there is more emphasis on raising employment opportunities and expanding infrastructural facilities for development in tribal areas.
Pagination:  37
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research & Training Institute, Gujarat
Record ID:  416
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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