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Record ID: KIRT/2020/003
Document Type: Research
Title: A Study on Educational Backwardness of Paniyan Community of Wayanad
Researcher: Subhash V S
Editor/Author: Mini P V
Guide: Dr. P Pugazhendi
Keywords: Educational Backwardness, Model Residential School, Paniyan, Drop out
Sector: Education
University: KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2020
Abstract: This study unearth the reasons behind high rate of drop out at primary, high school and higher secondary levels of Paniya students of Wayanad. The study is also helpful to understand the problems and the causes behind the educational backwardness of Paniyan community of Wayanad, There are also few suggestions and policy recommendations that would help to rectify the issues.
Pagination: 125
Tribal Research Institutes: Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID: KIRT/2020/003
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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