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Record ID: AIRT/2018/0002
Document Type: Research
Title: A Study on Gradual Changing Patterns of the Life Styles of the Rural Tribal Societies and Their Traditional Institutions and Resources with Special Reference to the Rabhas of Goalpara District of Assam
Researcher: Bhanita Pathak Rajkhowa
Guide: B K Barman
Keywords: Rabha
Socio Cultural
Socio Economic
Tribal Societies
Life Styles
Sector: Tribal Life
University: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Dec-2018
Abstract: Change is an inevitable process especially when it comes to culture and tribal societies are no exception to this. Society being dynamic, it is seen that with time many elements of traditional material culture gets extinct and many others lose their techniques and usability. While traditional elements of culture seems to lose its significance in the already dynamic socio-cultural and political environment, new elements enter into the traditional socio economic system thereby causing threat to the very fabric of traditional identity of the ethnic groups. Although at times change acts as a harbinger of progress and development, many a times it has been seen to have eroded the traditional superstructure of the ethnic groups leading to the creation of a new socio political system within a system. This Research Study seeks to find out the changes that have knocked the socio cultural and political order of the Rabhas of Goalpara district of Assam. Participant observation in 35 Rabha villages selected through multi stage random sampling was done for a period of two months to meet the objectives of the study. The study also aims at analyzing the various welfare schemes implemented both by Governmental and non Governmental sources to understand its impact on the Rabha society.
Pagination: 77
Tribal Research Institutes: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID: AIRT/2018/0002
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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