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Record ID: AIRT/1989/0001
Document Type: Research
Title: Sericulture Industry Among the Scheduled Tribes Communities of Kokrajhar District of Assam
Researcher: B N Bordoloi
Keywords: Endi
Cocoon Rearers
Silk Trade
Sector: Socio-economic studies
University: Tribal Research Institute Assam
Completed Date: Mar-1989
Abstract: The Sericulture industry is an important and integral part of the rural Assam. It is a form of household industry contributing a substantial portion of the family income. The most common form of sericulture industry is the rearing of Endi, spinning of Endi yarn, and weaving of Endi clothes. Kokrajar district of Assam having the highest concentration of tribal population and highest number of families engaged in Sericulture industry was selected for the study. This report has thrown new lights in regard to the resource potentialities of this industry and its possibility as income generating scheme for those tribal families who were yet to come above the poverty line. The report would be helpful for those officers of the development departments specially the Department of Sericulture, who are engaged for the development and upliftment of the tribal people of Assam.
Pagination: 76
Tribal Research Institutes: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID: AIRT/1989/0001
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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