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Record ID:  SCST/2012/0019
Document Type:  Book
Title:  Micro Project Profile
Editor/Author:  SCSTRTI, Bhubaneswar
Keywords:  Tribal development
Conservation cum-Development plan
Action Plan
Micro Projects
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
Sector:  Monitoring & Evaluation
University:  Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Jul-2012
Abstract:  Among all the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTGs) identified by the Government of India, there are as many as 13 PTGs living in remote habitats of Odisha. Living inrelatively isolated area has enabled them to retain their cultural identities yet the remote locations as well as poor social indicators vis-a-vis other communities mean thatdevelopmental challenges continue in these areas. This needs special attention. In order to address the problem and up-hold the right to life with dignity of these PTGs, 17 Micro Projects have been set up in various interior pockets of Odisha during different plan periods. Action Plans have been formulated in successive Plan Periods for socio-economic up-liftment of the PTGs on priority basis and to preserve their culture. This calls for creation of a data base on different parameters to cater to the requirement of forecasting and plan formulation and to help researchers, administrators and all concerned developers. Under this backdrop, SCSTRTI has made an effort for compiling and preparing this volume putting relevant data on 17 Micro Projects of Odisha. Apart from giving details of statistical indicators in different sectors,the booklet contains pictorial depiction of development works taken up under Conservation cum-Development plan during the 11th Plan period.
Pagination:  112
Tribal Research Institutes:  SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID:  SCST/2012/0019
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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