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Record ID: TRTIP/2020/ER162
Document Type: Report
Title: Evaluation Report of the scheme for Educating Students of Scheduled Tribes in Nominated English Medium Residential Schools
Keywords: Evaluation
tribal research
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Tribal Research and Training Institute Pune Maharashtra
Completed Date: Mar-2020
Abstract: This evaluation report examines the important aspect of educating tribal students in nominated English medium schools in order to bring them at par with the educational attainments of students from other socio-economic backgrounds. Understanding the need for quality education with required language abilities to compete at national as well as international levels, this scheme was devised to serve as an instrument for above-mentioned objectives. The evaluation study highlights its strengths and the areas where further improvements are necessary for its overall success.
Pagination: 70
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Training Institute, Maharashtra
Record ID: TRTIP/2020/ER162
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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