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Record ID: TRTIP/2020/ER161
Document Type: Report
Title: Survey of Ashram school Enrolments
Keywords: Evaluation
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Tribal Research and Training Institute Pune Maharashtra
Completed Date: Mar-2020
Abstract: This evaluation survey was aimed at finding out the changes in enrolment pattern of Ashram Schools directly run and aided by Tribal Development Department of the State. It shows the recent trends in enrolments and the challenge faced by the ashram school institution with emergence of many other educational institutions in the vicinity of tribal areas. It provides important inputs for revamping the ashram schools in Maharashtra in order to better serve their mandate.
Pagination: 91
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Training Institute, Maharashtra
Record ID: TRTIP/2020/ER161
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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