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Record ID: TRIJK/2022/012
Document Type: Research
Title: The Tribal Leaders of Jammu & Kashmir and the Freedom Struggle of India
Researcher: Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad Numani
Keywords: Tribal Leaders, Freedom struggle, government policies, culture and politics
Sector: Tribal Life
Completed Date: Sep-2022
Abstract: Tribals have a rich history of their own. However, it is on record that their histories were neglected and/or underplayed until the recent past. More often, the state and/or government policies (particularly British) disintegrated the tribal society, culture and politics. Thus, to protect their interest, the tribals launched relentless rebellions and movements against the oppressors under the tribal-people leaders who challenged the oppressive policies and the oppressors itself. Therefore, we must not forget the gems of the tribals whose share have shaped our politics, society and culture in past, and henceforth, continued shaping in present. In India the socio-economic tribal movements started in the early 19th and 20th centuries. The tribals challenged the oppressors both on socio-economic and political front. These movements are very significant in shaping the social history of modern India. It is in this perspective that a research question on the role and contribution of tribal people leaders of Jammu and Kashmir on the socio-economic and political awakening of the tribal-people has been developed.
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Jammu & Kashmir
Record ID: TRIJK/2022/012
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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