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Document Type: Report
Title: My Village Corona Free Village
Keywords: My Village Corona Free Village
Sector: Health
Completed Date: Dec-2021
Abstract: Tribal areas are relatively inland than normal areas, have low literacy rates, lack health awareness, and many misconceptions are traditionally prevalent. Due to which the condition of Covid-19 infection in the tribal areas of the state remained serious at present, people could not take Covid-19 disease seriously so the situation of infection in tribal areas became critical. On the other hand, as the tribal area is a remote area, many barriers to access to government health services have been created. Looking at all these things, one thing becomes clear that by awakening the people at the time of such an epidemic and conveying a conscious and true understanding about the epidemic, it seems to be essential to become aware of this matter. Therefore, the Gujarat Tribal Research and Training Society (GTRTS), Gujarat State, Gandhinagar is planning to make the people aware of any future epidemic in the tribal areas by working with the government and local organizations to ensure that the people remain safe. So as to be helpful in overcoming such a situation.
Pagination: 57
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Training Institute, Gujarat
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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