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Record ID: SCST/2021/0492
Document Type: Hand Book
Title: Korua
Editor/Author: AB Ota
SC Mohanty
BK Paikaray
S Sethi
PP Rout
Keywords: Korua
Religious Belief
Sector: Ethnographic studies
University: Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Jun-2021
Abstract: Numerically Korua is a very small and little-known Kolarian tribe thinly dispersed in the districts of Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj and Kalahandi. They are also found in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. They are original inhabitants of Sarguja and Jashpur and Bilaspur areas in Chota Nagpur plateau of Central Provinces. It is believed that in the past they have migrated from Satpura range to their present habitat in Odisha in course of their food quest.
Pagination: 28
Tribal Research Institutes: SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID: SCST/2021/0492
ISBN No: 978-93-80705-72-9
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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