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Record ID:  AIRT/2018/0004
Document Type:  Research
Title:  Exploring the Traditional Health Practices among the Rabhas of Goalpara district
Researcher:  Dr. Farzana Begum
Editor/Author:  Dr. Farzana Begum
Keywords:  Traditional Health Practices, . ,Assam
Sector:  Traditional Health Practices
University:  Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Feb-2022
Abstract:  Traditional Medicine and traditional healer have wide spread popularity and practiced in societies like Australian aborigines, African tribes, Indian communities, etc. The World Health Organization defines traditional medicine as ;the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness". The traditional medical practitioner or traditional healer can be defined as ; someone who is recognized by the community in which he lives as competent to provide health care by using vegetable, animal and mineral substances and certain other methods based on the social, cultural and religious backgrounds as well as the prevailing knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding physical, mental and social well-being and the causation of disease and disability in the community; (Shankar. R., et al., 2012).
Pagination:  94
Tribal Research Institutes:  Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID:  AIRT/2018/0004
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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