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Record ID:  KIRT/2016/001
Document Type:  Hand Book
Title:  Directory of Tribal Healers - 2016
Researcher:  Suresh K P
Editor/Author:  Dr. S Bindu
Guide:  Dr. S Bindu
Keywords:  Tribal Healers, Area of Treatment
Sector:  Health
University:  KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2016
Abstract:  This Directory is a first hand reference book related to the names of well known Tribal Healers among the Scheduled Tribes of Kerala. This book also provides information about area of treatment, community, address and directory number of each Tribal Healer.
Pagination:  1 - 68
Tribal Research Institutes:  Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID:  KIRT/2016/001
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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