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Record ID: IBRA/2021/0001
Document Type: Research
Title: Conceptual Framework for initiating forest mosaic integrated landscape management - IBRAD Model: Participatory Approach to ecosystem restoration for enhancement of ecosystem services
Researcher: IBRAD CoE Team
Editor/Author: SB Roy
Raktima Mukhopadhyay
Guide: SB Roy
Keywords: Forest Mosaic Integrated Landscape Management, Ecosystem Restoration, Ecosystem Services
Sector: Livelihoods (Farm/ Non Farm)
University: Serial publishers
Completed Date: Jun-2021
Abstract: A conceptual framework of initiating forest mosaic integrated landscape management has been tried with encouraging results by undertaking the agriculture, waterbody, pasture and trees outside the forest as part of forest ecosystem. The National Working Plan Code and Forest Rights Act 2006 calls upon integrating and conserving the community forest resources. Participatory action research involves the community as a partner to foresee the benefit of conservation and take actions.
Pagination: 89-107
Tribal Research Institutes: IBRAD
Record ID: IBRA/2021/0001
ISBN No: 0973-3574
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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