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Record ID:  TR&CI/2016/0008
Document Type:  Book
Title:  Tribal Food Habit - Tripura Tribes
Researcher:  Manoshi Das
Editor/Author:  Manoshi Das
Keywords:  Tribal Food Habits: Tripura Tribes
Sector:  Nutrition
University:  Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Dec-2016
Abstract:  This book is an outcome of the study funded by MoTA, GoI. The researcher brings about the clear empirical documentation of Tribal Foods and Food Habits specially among the Tripura Tribes.
Pagination:  104
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID:  TR&CI/2016/0008
ISBN No:  978-81-932589-8-9
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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