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Record ID:  TR&CI/2016/0003
Document Type:  Book
Title:  Tribal Development in Tripura An assessmwent of Tribal Sub-Plan
Researcher:  Dr. Jayanta Choudhury & Ratan Ghosh
Editor/Author:  Dr. Jayanta Choudhury & Ratan Ghosh
Keywords:  Tribal Sub Plan in Tripura An Evaluation Study
Sector:  Monitoring & Evaluation
University:  Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Apr-2016
Abstract:  This evaluation study in 12 blocks of the erstwhile of 4 districts of Tripura, on scheduled tribal sub plan (TSP) has been carried out in order to assess, mainly, the impact of the various development schemes towards increase in income and employment generation among the tribal population. Various suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the schemes for the tribal development have also been provided in the book.
Pagination:  190
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID:  TR&CI/2016/0003
ISBN No:  978-81-927167-5-6
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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