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Record ID: SCST/2008/0421
Document Type: Research
Title: Study Report on Impact of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) And Sarva Shikhya Abhiyan (SSA) On Education of Tribal Children
Researcher: KM Das
Keywords: Primary
Tribal Children
Sector: Education
University: Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Sep-2008
Abstract: Literacy begins from home and takes a formal shape in schools that lies in public domain. The schooling and elementary education are, thus, the edifice on which the pillars of a healthy society are built and a nation of character stands. Education can spray life and living among people in scattered area. School education among tribals, more particularly tribal girls has its problems. The present study is made a depth investigation about the problems on education of tribal girl child in the state of Orissa and made valuable suggestions for toning girl child education to tribal habitat society and understanding. The study is based on the data collected from tribal girls, parents, teachers, community leaders, educationists, officials connected with tribal girl child education. It is felt that findings and suggestions regarding educational development of tribal girls in Orissa will be useful to educational planners, administrators of government programmes of special assistance to the scheduled tribes and researchers working in this area.
Pagination: 194
Tribal Research Institutes: SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID: SCST/2008/0421
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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