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Record ID: TR&CI/2004/0011
Document Type: Book
Title: Common Vegetables of the Tribals of Tripura
Researcher: Tejendra Bhakta
Editor/Author: Tejendra Bhakta
Keywords: Common Vegetables of the Tribals of Tripura
Sector: Tribal Life
University: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Aug-2004
Abstract: In this book the author has narrated about vegetables, their nutritive and medicinal values. Keeping this in view initiative has been taken to record about some plants parts commonly used as vegetables by the tribals of Tripura to explain their nutritive values and related information.
Pagination: 129
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID: TR&CI/2004/0011
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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