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Record ID: TR&CI/1997/0004
Document Type: Book
Title: The Chakmas of Tripura
Researcher: Pannalal Mazumdar
Editor/Author: Pannalal Mazumdar
Keywords: The Chakmas of Tripura
Sector: Tribal Life
University: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Dec-1997
Abstract: The Chakmas of Tripura are one of the Tribes of Indo-Bangladesh sub-coninent. Anthropologically they belongs to a branch of Tibeto-Burmese tribe and these Tibeto-Burmese tribe originally belonged to the Mongolian race. The Chakmas of Tripura mainly believe in the streame of Hinajani Buddhism. Presently they are the 4th largest tribes in Tripura.
Pagination: 363
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID: TR&CI/1997/0004
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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