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Record ID: TR&CI/1998/0001
Document Type: Book
Title: Economic Participation of Rural Tribal Women of Tripura - A Case Study
Researcher: Tapati Chakravarti
Editor/Author: Tapati Chakravarti
Keywords: Economic Participation of Rural Tribal Women of Tripura - A Case Study
Sector: Monographs
University: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Jan-1998
Abstract: This monograph contains revealing findings and conclusions and useful policy recommendations. The most important finding is the predominant role placed by women in the Tribal economy of Tripura in great contrast with their comparatively low social status. The author has successfully exploded the myth of comparatively high status of Tribal Women vis-a-vis their non-tribal counterparts in Tripura.
Pagination: 248
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID: TR&CI/1998/0001
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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