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Record ID: TR&CI/2000/0002
Document Type: Dissertation
Title: The Karbong of Tripura
Researcher: Dr. D.N. Goswami
Editor/Author: Dr. D.N. Goswami
Keywords: Karbong
Sector: Monographs
University: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Completed Date: Jan-2000
Abstract: Tripura is an abode of heterogeneous population. People of different ethnic origin reside here. The Halam community is one of them. There are many groups and sub-groups in the Halam community. The Karbong is one of these groups. there exists very scantly recorded account of this groups. this dissertation is an humble attempt to fulfill this need.
Pagination: 73
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Cultural Institute, Tripura
Record ID: TR&CI/2000/0002
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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