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Record ID: MP/TRI/31
Document Type: Research
Title: I.C.D.S. Baihar (District Balaghat) an Evaluation
Researcher: Shri A.L. Naharia, Shri P.C. Kabra, Shri L.L. Bachhle, Shri M.K. Yadav, Shri S.K. Bilthre
Editor/Author: Director (J.S. Kapanee)
Guide: H.N. Agrawal
Keywords: I.C.D.S. Situation, Physical Development Colories, Proteins, Minerals Uitamins, Nutritional, Malnowrisned, Programmes, Genetic, Enuironmental, Adequate, Influence, Applied Nutrition program. Special Nutrition program, World food program, Montatity, Morbiclity. Immunization, Health Check up, Referral Seruices, Reletively, Impact.
Sector: Health
University: Tribal Research Institute, Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
Completed Date: Mar-1986
Abstract: I.C.D.S. An Evaluation Baihar District Balaghat. The Soecific objectives of the study are 1. The Impact of the delivery of Integrated Package of Securities to the beneficiaries in the Project area in general. 2. To Evaluate the effectiveness of the working of Anganwadis and 3. To the extent of Coverage of the Complementary programme including immunization and provision of drinking water. Different Schedules were use for Collecting of Secondary and primary data I.C.D.S. Schedule Anganwadis village Schedule, Beneficiary Schedule since the I.C.D.S. was launched on an experimental basis in late 1975. Project started functioning since 1981-82 and the Health Programme could be taken up from 1982-83. I.C.D.S. has been relatively successful in reaching the Poorer groups. In case of I.C.D.S. Baiher also it has been observed by the Researen team that out of the Children in the age groups 0-6 enrolled in Anganwaedis, only 65% were found the year 1984-85. Children from very Poor families have no proper clothes. The I.C.D.S. project is an important component of the new 20 point programme of the nation. Out of the 154 inhabited villages only 98 village have been covered under the I.C.D.S. activities by establisning 126 angan- wadis. An analysis of the data reveal that there is a positive impect of the Programme on the health status of the children receiving the supplementry nutrition. The supply of the care food items i.e. Bulgar, Wheat, CSM and salad oil is not adequate. The non-formal pre-school education compoment of I.C.D.S. project has decidedly made a good impact on the Children in some of the areas. The Children show a normal level of cognitive development. The study conclude that the I.C.D.S. has devided changes the attitude at the village level towards I.C.D.S. activities especially health and nutrition and education of the children. If the pre-school education components is systematically improved it is definite that this will help in combating the problem of wastage and stagnation in primary schools in the tribal areas.
Pagination: 70 + ANNEXURES 20
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research & Development Institute, Madhya Pradesh
Record ID: MP/TRI/31
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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