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Record ID: APTM/1980/0137/report
Document Type: Report
Researcher: TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Editor/Author: TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Tribal Development
Constitution Provisions Articles
Agriculture Education
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Dec-1980
Abstract: The present broacher on Tribal Welfare in Andhra Pradesh is to present a Kaleidoscopic picture of our tribals and their development. The broacher starts with remarks of Janharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, J Vengala Rao and B S Murthy. The broacher explained the constitutional of India on Scheduled Tribes. The constitution was committed to the welfare of the weaker sections of which the Scheduled Tribes are the vital segment. The Constitution not only recognized the urgent need for educational and economic development programmes but also rightly stressed the need for protection for defenseless sections from age-old exploitation. Further the Constitution placed the responsibility for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes on popular Government through the President of India and the Governor. The result is far reaching and momentous. Andhra Pradesh is among the foremost States whose dedication to the Tribal Welfare is complete and unwavering. The Government of Andhra Pradesh religiously followed the constitutional provisions on Scheduled Tribes and their welfare. The Article facilitates to fix up priorities and imparts direction to the policies and programmes on Scheduled Tribes in various States. The Tribes of Andhra Pradesh present a spectacle of striking diversity. It is this diversity marked by varied racial characteristic traditions that lends luster to the cultural mosaic of Andhra Pradesh. Agriculture is the anchor sheet of tribal economy, while forest is a vital source of food, shelter and employment. The report also discussed about the development era among the tribals. The Constitution embodied various provisions for overall development of Scheduled Tribes. The development process was initiated in tribal areas during the First Five Year Plan with an outlay of Rs. 118.72 lakhs. A comprehensive strategy was evolved for development of agriculture in tribal areas. over the consecutive plans various programmes were in force to bring about qualitative and quantitative development of agriculture on the basis of agro-climatic conditions in tribal areas. The broacher also talks about the subsidies galore, livestock development, irrigation, communications, industries, co-operation and marketing, war on malnutrition, education, new lease of life, protective legislation and new fillip for tribal development.
Pagination: 54
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID: APTM/1980/0137/report
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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