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Record ID:  KIRT/2018/002
Document Type:  Book
Title:  Tribal Art & Society Challenges and Perspectives
Researcher:  KIRTADS
Editor/Author:  K S Pradeep Kumar
Guide:  Director KIRTADS
Keywords:  Tribal Art Forms, Tribal life, Dependent, Tribal Music, Aesthetics
Sector:  Art & Culture
University:  KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2018
Abstract:  This book deals with the different tribal art forms in Kerala and it covers almost all aspects of tribal art forms.The volume contains 22 papers in both English and Malayalam languages.
Pagination:  160
Tribal Research Institutes:  Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID:  KIRT/2018/002
ISBN No:  987-81-936765-6-1
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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