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Record ID: KIRT/2018/001
Document Type: Book
Title: Rhythm of Tribe Volume II
Researcher: KIRTADS
Editor/Author: K S Pradeep Kumar
Guide: Director KIRTADS
Keywords: Tribal Dance, Muthuvan, Bettakuman, Uraly, Malakudiya, Irular
Sector: Art & Culture
University: KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2018
Abstract: This publication is providing a detailed knowledge of various tribal art forms of 14 Tribal communities of the state . including their a brief ethnographic study .
Pagination: 146
Tribal Research Institutes: Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID: KIRT/2018/001
ISBN No: 978-81-9365-7-8
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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