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Record ID: KIRT/2019/002
Document Type: Book
Title: Pasaru (Butterfly)- Preparation of Handbook for Koraga language of Koraga Community in Kerala State
Researcher: KIRTADS
Editor/Author: Shyam S K
Guide: Pugazhedni I.F.S
Keywords: Pasaru,Koraga,mothertongue,liguistics, primer,education
Sector: Education
University: KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2019
Abstract: This book provides a detailed description about the language of one of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal community of the state of Kerala, who are mainly resides in Kasargod district of the state.The study is also helpful to improve educational attainments of children from the community.
Pagination: 296
Tribal Research Institutes: Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID: KIRT/2019/002
ISBN No: 978-81-936765-9-2
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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