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Record ID:  KIRT/2020/007
Document Type:  Research
Title:  Tribal Art Forms of Mavilan
Researcher:  Jayachandran M
Editor/Author:  Pradeep Kumar K S
Guide:  Pradeep Kumar K S
Keywords:  Mavilan, Mangalam Kali, Eruth Kali, Theyyam, Mulamchenda, Kalam pattu
Sector:  Art & Culture
University:  KIRTADS
Completed Date: Mar-2020
Abstract:  This article is developed on the basis of intensive field work conducted among the Mavilan community residing in Kannur and Kasaragode Districts of the State of Kerala. The author himself is from the community. Hence, the article gives a comprehensive picture about the life and culture of the community from an insiders' perspective.
Pagination:  34-38
Tribal Research Institutes:  Kerala Institute for Research Training & Development studies
Record ID:  KIRT/2020/007
ISBN No:  978-81-941685-2-2
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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