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Record ID:  SCST/2016/0413
Document Type:  Research
Title:  Conservation-Cum-Development Plan for The Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) (Period: 2016-2021): Lodha Development Agency, Morada, Mayurbhanj
Researcher:  SCSTRTI
Keywords:  PVTG
Micro Project
Five Year Plan
Sector:  Monitoring & Evaluation
University:  Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Jan-2016
Abstract:  Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) are disadvantaged and the marginalized groups among the STs, who live in isolated geographical pockets. Due to the Conservation cum Development Plan interventions for all PVTG people during 11th and 12th Plans some development initiatives have been extended, but much still needs to be done. The Conservation cum Development (CCD) Plan, a decentralized five year planning at village level for fostering rapid economic growth and social justice by utilizing funds from different sources and programmes of central and state Governments indicates to extend basic amenities, address issues like management of natural resources, education, health, agriculture and social security have been attempted. While one year plan will ensure short term development, five year plans will help achieve long term goals for the 13 PVTGs of Odisha. The revised scheme became operative with effective from 1st April, 2015. Thus, the Govt. of Odisha has adopted strategy and initiated formulation of the long term Integrated CCD plans in respect of all the 13 PVTGs in the locations of 17 Micro Projects of Odisha with the following aim and objectives. The revised scheme aims at planning their socio economic development in a comprehensive manner while retaining the culture and heritage of the community by adopting habitat development approach and intervening in all spheres of their social and economic life so that a visible impact is made in improvement of the quality of life. It aims at addressing the socio economic needs: a process of addressing the livelihood concerns and social insecurities of PVTG communities. Investing in health and education infrastructure, increasing employment opportunities, and raising the quality of life in tribal areas and eradicating poverty is also prioritized for families of the 13 PVTGs. Thus, the plan proposes making agriculture and forestry, including organic farming, more productive and helping PVTG farmers. Investing in education infrastructure, the plan provides a fair compliance to implementation of compulsory education for all children until they attain 14 years of age as well as endeavor to extend early childhood care and education for all children till, they complete six years of age. Residential education through educational complexes and Gyanmandirs and Anganwadies for all PVTG boys and girls and skill development of all youths in the age group of 15 to 25 years are priority areas. It also indicates steps to extend roads and upgrade communications and transport in areas to end the isolation of some PVTGs remote villages as well as assures solar power to light PVTGs homes and streets. It needs to be stressed here that while a Five Year Integrated CCD plan (2016-21) has been drawn up identifying the felt needs in each of the 541 PVTG habitations through a consultative process. The entire plan mostly has been attempted through a convergence mode by pumping funds primarily through the state government line departments.
Pagination:  206
Tribal Research Institutes:  SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID:  SCST/2016/0413
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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