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APTM_1965_0117_report.pdfNOMADISH ITS CAUSE AND CURE2.8 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Record ID:  APTM/1965/0117
Document Type:  Report
Researcher:  V Raghvaiah
Editor/Author:  TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords:  Nomads
Criminal Nomads
Asian nomads
Sector:  Monitoring & Evaluation
University:  Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Oct-1965
Abstract:  Nomadism can be broadly defined as the inborn, traditional, cultural trait of those human beings to whom wandering is still an unquenchable thirst, despite all its discomforts and disabilities, physical as well as mental. Nomads are known in different parts of India by different names. The Andhra Pradesh calls them as DRIMMARAS, in Hindi speaking zones they are called GHUMMAKARS or GHUMANTHUS, ASTHIRAVASIS, YAYAVARA all of them emphasizing their wanderlust. All nomads, particularly the Indian nomads, can be broadly classified into the five categories namely food gathering nomads, pastoral nomads, partial or trader or seasonal nomads, criminal nomads and beggar nomads. The nomadic tribes Chenchu, the Aruntas, Eskimos American Indians, Asian Nomads, Bedouins, Lambadas, Todas, Kalabelias, Gadia Lohars, Iranis, the Criminal Nomads and other trader nomads all details are also mentioned in this report. The causes contributing to nomadism are both man-made as well as historical. The chapter 3 delineates that the causes of nomadism and different theories explained by the causes of nomadism. The aforesaid does not mean that Nomadism is incurable. The fact that more than 99 per cent of the humanity has changed in the past several lakhs of years from a wandering to a sedentary life is proof that nomadism can be cured. One important preliminary condition that has to be fulfilled before any attempt could be made to achieve appreciable results is that the reforms should win over the Nomad and take him into confidence. The contributing of the Anthropologists in diagnosing the ailments affecting any group of primitive people, including the Nomads, cannot be ignored. In dealing with the nomads, particularly of the cultural type, every Government would do well to play a protective role rather than a merely administrative one, in re-claiming these isolated sections of humanity. The only known way of curing nomadism is kindling in this type of aboriginal, a love for hearth and home, which as already observed is by no means an easy task.
Pagination:  50
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID:  APTM/1965/0117
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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