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Record ID:  SCST/2009/0315
Document Type:  Journal
Title:  Adivasi - v49_No.2
Editor/Author:  AB Ota
KK Pattnaik
PK Das
T Sahoo
SC Pattnaik
AP Ray
Keywords:  Adivasi
Forest Rights Act 2006
Sector:  Forest Rights
University:  Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Dec-2009
Abstract:  The Forest Rights Act 2006 is under implementation in the state of Orissa. Orissa, as per statistical figures is one of the frontline performing states in the country in terms of implementation of this act. Since the process is ongoing and is at a crucial stage, as desired by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, ST & SC Development Department, Government of Orissa entrusted the task of a Quick Impact Evaluation (6 weeks duration) to the SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa with the financial assistance of OTELP (Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Project). The Quick Impact Evaluation of 6 weeks duration has been done taking both secondary and primary sources information in to account. SCSTRTI has conducted empirical study in two sample districts (Dhenkanal - which is a non-schedule district in one MADA Pocket and the other in Gajapati - a district which is a schedule district with large concentration of tribals including the PTGs). Thus taking in to consideration information from both Primary and Secondary sources, this report has been compiled. This report has tried to give the overall status of implementation of the Forest Rights Act (as on 9th December 2009) and has also tried to identify the major factors responsible for the slow progress of the implementation. Similarly, the study also has identified various critical areas of concern and have come up with suggested issues which need to be addressed for more effective implementation of this epoch-making act.
Pagination:  122
Tribal Research Institutes:  SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID:  SCST/2009/0315
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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