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Record ID:  SCST/1965/0241
Document Type:  Journal
Title:  Adivasi - v7_No.2
Editor/Author:  GN Das
N Das
JK Rout
Keywords:  Adivasi
Sector:  Socio-economic studies
University:  Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Oct-1965
Abstract:  The emergency situation created due to the Pakistani and Chinese aggression and its immediate as well as projected impact on Indian economy, pose a challenge to our planners and administrators to reorient the developmental programmes. This requires a good bit of rethinking and revaluation of hitherto accepted ideas and concepts. Such rethinking and revaluation are of supreme importance in the sphere of social security and have a special relevance for its major programme the welfare of Backward Classes. 2. Modern wars are total wars. Gone are the days when battles were fought by professional warriors and won by their traditional chivalry while the common man had only to play the role of a spectator. In a modern war the skill and courage of the armed forces cannot be minimised, but the economic strength and technological equipment of the nation and the morale of the people as a whole are factors which are of as. great consequence for victory or defeat. The reorientation of the welfare programme for Backward classes should be based on an appreciation of this situation. The people of India present a diversity which is unparalleled both in history and in the contemporary world. Contradictions based on linguistic, religious and ethnic differences coexist with each other in the Indian society. Therefore, the superstructure on which the morale of the people is to be built is National integration. ln view of the present emergency it is absolutely necessary to make all out efforts for achieving National integration and foster a spirit of nationalism and feeling of belonging together among those who stand at the periphery of national consciousness. History has ample evidence to show that under conditions of stress and strain national integration is snapped at the weakest link. The Backward classes, especially the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes constitute the weakest link in the chain of our national existence. The tribes have been aptly described as "people segregated from the main currents of national lift, due to historic reasons" that during the first three five year plans some achievement has been registered for the material and social development of the tribal people, but it is true that a great deal yet remains to be done and though we have started the process of bringing the tribal people closer to us, the integration of the tribal society with the larger society of India is not yet an accomplished fact. The Scheduled Castes have also made some progress during the three plans, and no efforts have been spared to fight untouchability out of existence. This has been a programme of radical social reform and like a reformist movement, this has created social maladjustments which initially accompany such movements. All these bring into focus the acute necessity of working out a thorough scheme of national integration on scientific lines among the Backward population of India. Food production is a major component of modern war effort. In India, especially, where the consumption needs far outstrip the production efforts, food production is of supreme importance. The development plans for the welfare of Backward Classes should, therefore, be returned to meet the demands of food production. The Scheduled Castes are the traditional agriculturists of Indian villages. The tribal people have a native knack for producing food under adverse conditions. If the technological and human factors are properly tapped, there is no doubt that the development of the Backward Classes can be transferred into an effective programme of agricultural production. Thus without pruning the welfare of the Backward Classes, the agricultural production of the country can be substantially increased. This would serve the twin needs of producing more food and making it available to the consumers who need it most and who always become the first victims of food shortage. The tribal people can prove to be excellent fighters. This is borne out by Indian history. Rajput chivalry was mainly based on the prowess of tribal chiefs and their followers. The tribal powers of south and border states have always thwarted the imperial advances of medieval Delhi. As a matter of fact Delhi has always succumbed to the warlike tribal hordes who gradually lost their native dash and courage under the impact of civiIized luxury and in their turn were subdued by fresh tribal invasions. The native courage and fighting skill of tribal people should, therefore, be properly harnessed to meet the defence requirements of the country. All these call for vigorous research activities. The research programmes of the Tribal- Research Institutes also require thorough reorientation. Research should be made more responsive to the defence and production needs of the nation. Research should henceforth be Judged by the. actual contribution it makes towards increased production and research workers should be made progressively more responsible for extension and experimentation in the actual field.
Pagination:  66
Tribal Research Institutes:  SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID:  SCST/1965/0241
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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