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Record ID: IIPA/2019/0083
Document Type: Report
Title: Growth of Tribal Women Intellectuals in India
Editor/Author: Nupur Tiwary
Keywords: Role of women
Voice women
Freedom struggle
Sector: Women Empowerment
University: IIPA
Completed Date: Mar-2019
Abstract: Women's day commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women's rights and build more equitable societies. Women's day also remembers the voices of many women that go unheard and who continue to be dominated from securing their rights and realizing their full potential. As CoE is dedicated to tribal development and welfare, the role played by several tribal women is highly appreciable. Therefore, felicitate every such woman who has paved the path towards our progress and struggled to take womanhood to a level where it is now. Tribal women remain traditional in their dress, language, tools and resources because they grow food crops rather than cash crops. Modernisation is bringing changes, which affect men and women differently. Many Tribal women are, now, becoming harbingers of change, activists and rising in their fields, working for the rights, welfare of tribal women and the betterment of the tribal societies in general. While some of the well-known tribal women leaders of the freedom struggle Rani Gaidinliu, Helen Lepcha, Putalimaya Tamang, Dashriben Chaudhari.
Pagination: 6
Tribal Research Institutes: National TRI
Record ID: IIPA/2019/0083
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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