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APTM_1985_0060_report.pdfPerspective Plan for the Development of Gadabas in Visakhapatnam District Andhra Pradesh1.88 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Record ID: APTM/1985/0060
Document Type: Report
Title: Perspective Plan for the Development of Gadabas in Visakhapatnam District Andhra Pradesh
Researcher: K Mohanarao
Editor/Author: TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Family Based Programmes
Area Based Programme
Developmental Programmes
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Aug-1985
Abstract: During 1982-83, the Government of India recognized the Gadaba tribe as one of the Primitive Tribal Group of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, the preparation of perspective plan for the development of Gadaba in the tribal areas Visakhapatnam district, it taken up. The perspective plan is prepared for a period of 5 years seeking Special Central Assistance to the turns of Rs. 53.10 lakhs for the comprehensive development of Gadabas in identified villages. A criterion was laid down to collect the list of villages with more than 20 Gadaba population. Based on the information furnished by Village Development Officers Gadaba villages are identified. For these identified villages, the information on development facilities, occupational structure, land use, felt needs etc. is collected and the plan is prepared for their development. The felt needs of the tribe are taken into consideration for formulating the scheme. The strategy for family based programme has to be taken up with reference to the occupational pattern of the Gadabas and their felt needs. The felt needs under family programmes and area based programmes are recorded. The Family based programmes are Land Development, Agricultural Implements, Plough Bullocks, Carts, Oil Engines, Sowing Machines, Social Forestry, Training Programme, Mass Literacy Programme and Area based programmes are Drinking Water, Veterinary Institutions and Health Worker Scheme. For the social and economic development of the Primitive Tribal Group, the schemes are to be implemented with the assistance of special grants from Government of India. No loan component is involved. Additional funds in the form of Special Central Assistance is sought for the development of this tribe. Out of 87 Gadaba villages, 18 schools and one Ashram school, 13 Drinking water wells, 7 Cooperative marketing societies and only one State Bank of Hyderabad and one First Aid Veterinary Center are found functioning. Only 15 villages are electrified. The distribution of block wise available facilities in identified Gadaba village is shown in the report. The development programmes for the Gadaba villages have to be implemented intensively under the above-mentioned area based and family-based schemes. The total amount required for the development of Gadabas works out to Rs. 60.87 lakhs. The block wise, scheme-wise physical and financial targets are furnished in the report.
Pagination: 45
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID: APTM/1985/0060
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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