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Record ID: APTM/1975/0070
Document Type: Report
Researcher: R Pratap
Editor/Author: TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Protective Legislations
Developmental programmes
Sectoral Programmes
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Aug-1975
Abstract: The new approach suggested for identification of tribal areas for the purpose of preparing Integrated Area Development Plan and Sub Plans, the entire scheduled area and the adjacent tribal area with concentration of the tribal population have been carved out. The areas thus carved out constituted 8 Meso units, the details of which are given in this report. The new inputs given to the dynamics of culture change in tribal areas has been possible through huge investment on social and economic programmes of development, especially during the IV Five Year Plan. The high investment during IV Five Year Plan facilitated introduction of new programmes and the expansion of existing programmes by increasing the targets and coverage. Notable achievements were made in the field of education. Distribution of plough bullocks, development Minor Irrigation sources, starting of land colonization schemes, extending trade assistance to tribal entrepreneurs, distribution of short-term loans, construction of godowns and laying of roads have been actively taken up for the economic development of tribals. Notable achievements have been made during the IV plan which can be gauged from the figures and it shown in the report. As a first step in diversifying economic activities of the tribals certain new schemes have been introduced to prepare the tribals for acquiring certain skills and develop latent talent with stress of self-employment during the IV Plan. The sub-plan strategy mainly aims at reduction in disparities in levels of development between plains and tribal areas. It may here be pointed out that the State and Central Sector Tribal Welfare programmes were finalized earlier and all the detail of the Programmes are discussed in the report. Care has therefore been taken not to repeat the same programmes in both the plans. Thus, the sub-plan sectoral programmes are supplemental to the State and Central Sector Programmes. The economic condition of the tribal population continues to be bad when compared to the plainsmen in spite of several development measures undertaken by Government from time to time. In order to improve their economic condition various protective Regulations are on forced in all the Scheduled Areas of the State. The note extracted gives the history of the legislation, the difficulties confronted in its implementation and the progress achieved up to 31.8.1974. for the purpose of clarity, the note has been divided into two parts. Part-I deals with the theoretical aspects and Part-II indicates the progress achieved or recorded under each legislation. The broad frame work of the administrative set up at State level and District level well be follows except for the Chenchu pocket and the Meso level Project Srikakulam when the Girijan Development Agency is already functioning for administrative structure for implementation. Integrated credit cum marketing structure, agriculture and allied sectors, Irrigation, Electricity, Rural Roads, Industries, Investment in Human resources for the all the details of Sub-Plan Area also mentioned in this report.
Pagination: 200
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID: APTM/1975/0070
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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