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APTM_1985_0051_report.pdfPerspective Plan for the Development of Khonds in Visakhapatnam District Andhra Pradesh3.74 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Record ID: APTM/1985/0051
Document Type: Report
Title: Perspective Plan for the Development of Khonds in Visakhapatnam District Andhra Pradesh
Researcher: K Mohanarao
Editor/Author: TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Primitive Tribal Groups
7th Five Year Plan
Development Programmes
Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
University: Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Jul-1985
Abstract: In order to overcome the imbalances in development among various tribal communities, the Government of India recognized in 1982-83 some of the most backward tribals as Primitive Tribals, to implement intensive development programmes for their uplift. The Khond tribe is one of the listed of Primitive Tribe. To achieve this goal of bridging the gap between considerably advanced and backward Khond community the perspective plan for the Seventh Five Year Plan period is prepared. While preparing the plan, 388 Khond inhabited villages with population of 41,491 have been identified. Khonds, Porjas and Gadabas of Visakhapatnam district were recognized as Primitive Tribal Groups in the year 1982. Thus, up to now, only Rs. 7.80 lakhs were spent for the development of Primitive Tribal Groups in the district, but details of Khond beneficiaries are not available. Khond community has been neglected in the past due to various reasons such as their isolation, low literacy, lack of interest among theme to earn the benefits of development activities. In this connection, the situation of available facilities in these villages and their felt needs have been takes into consideration and various schemes are being proposed in according with felt needs and feasibility of the schemes. Specific representation of felt needs of the Khond villages shifting cultivators and landless tribals have been given importance while designing the development programmes. The community has also been provided with the peripatetic training so that they can make the best use of schemes in creating durable assets for their family. Agriculture, Horticulture, Social Forestry, Education, Medical & Health, Industries, Construction of Cisterns and Other Schemes like Supply of Sewing Machines programmes are provided to Khond families. As such the perspective plan for the development of Khonds in Visakhapatnam district during the Seventh Five Year period is prepared with 142, 537 Lakhs and this amount is brought under Special Control Assistance from Government of India keeping in view the backwardness of the community.
Pagination: 107
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID: APTM/1985/0051
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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