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Record ID: AIRT/2014/0002
Document Type: Research
Title: Problems, Prospects and Challenges of Health Care System Among the Tribes of Assam
Researcher: Upala Barua
Guide: D Sharma
Keywords: Health Care System
Sector: Health
University: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Nov-2014
Abstract: At the root of all health care system lies a close interrelation among ecology, culture and society. Tribal society has its own health care practices. The objectives of the study includes exploration of the health care system of the Scheduled tribes, identify the socio-economic factors contributing to poor health, use of both traditional and modern medical system, examine the problems, prospects and challenges, and identify the role of Government in promoting health of the tribal people. The study is divided into six chapters, each dealing with various dimensions of the main topic. In the Introduction, the concept of health and healthcare, traditional health practices and Health care system in India is explored. It includes the conceptual framework, research methodology and review of existing literature. The second chapter presents an account of the tribes under study. The findings includes the type of ailments and health related behaviour of the respondents , the socio-economic conditions and its impact on health of the respondents .The final chapter provide recommendations to deal with some of the challenges related to the health care system among the tribal people. The health care system of six tribes namely Bodos, Dimasas, Karbi, Lalung/Tiwa, Mising and Rabha have been taken up. The traditional method of health practices is based on both preventive and curative measures. The author mentions some unique health care beliefs and practices found among the tribes, for instance- Kubir Devata, Khetra or Khetor among the Bodos, Farha puja, Daini puja, Shaine Mungram, etc., among the Dimasa, Sangtar kelang, Vur matha, and Karjong kekur among the Karbis, Uies among the Mising , Bay- Dhankay, Bay- Thakai or Kakkai among the Rabhas, and Ai Gosani among the Tiwas. Tribal people along with beliefs in traditional health care practices are also becoming aware of modern medical system. Doctors are playing an important role in serving the simple tribal communities. They command respect and faith from village people.
Pagination: 151
Tribal Research Institutes: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID: AIRT/2014/0002
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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