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Record ID: APTM/1978/0014
Document Type: Book
Title: Genetic Study on Konda Kapu, Konda Dora and Plains Kapu
Researcher: R Pratap
Editor/Author: Tribal Cultural Research & Training Institute Andhra Pradesh
Guide: VV Ramanarao
OSVD Prasad
Keywords: Konda Kapu
Konda Dora
Plains Kapu
Non-Australoid characteristics
Blood Group distribution
Sector: Socio-economic studies
University: Department of Tribal Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Jul-1978
Abstract: The discussions with references to Blood Groups, ABH, Secretion and Tester gene reveal that the Konda Kapu and Plain Kapu are much closer to each other and are also closer to the Konda Dora than either of them to some other tribal communities. The Non-Australoid characteristics of Blood Group distribution, among the Konda Kapu and Plain Kapu suggest that the Konda Kapu might have migrated at a distant past from the Plains and established certain peculiarities due to their isolated life. As the Konda Dora exhibits Australoid type of Blood Group frequency, inspite of having closeness in certain characters with the Konda Kapu as well as plains Kapu, their relationship with the Kapus could not be decided satisfactorily. All the three communities are patrilineal and follow Hindu customs, inheritance is from father to son and the mode of disposal of the body is by cremation. The Konda Kapu and Konda Dora follow such tribal customs as bride price, marriage by elopement, widow remarriage, divorce and caste panchayat and serving liquor to solemnize any agreement between two parties, the Plain Kapu does not follow these customs. However, the Konda Kapu and Plain Kapu differ from the Konda Dora in not following levitate system and engage a Brahmin priest to perform marriage and other religious functions. Both of them treat the Konda Dora as inferior to them and does not intermarry or accept cooked food from them. The Konda Dora are Beef eaters and a mythological significance is attached to it. Judged from all these aspects it may be concluded that the Konda Kapu and Plain Kapu are different from the Konda Dora. The option of tribal customs by the Konda Kapu might have taken place after their migration to the forest areas and constant touch with the tribal life and culture.
Pagination: 76
Tribal Research Institutes: Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID: APTM/1978/0014
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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