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Record ID:  AIRT/1989/0002
Document Type:  Hand Book
Title:  Aspects of Social Customs of the Bodos
Editor/Author:  K Brahma
Guide:  B N Bordoloi
Keywords:  Customs
Sector:  Tribal Life
University:  Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Mar-1989
Abstract:  The book Aspects of Social Customs of the Bodos written by Dr. K.Brahma, on customary life of the Bodos of Assam. The Boro Kacharis are one the major tribal community of Assam. The Bodos or Boro Kacharis belong to Mongoloid race and speakers of the Tibeto-Burman languages. Here author attempted to draw the picture of the social customs and traditions of the Boros or Bodos of Assam. Social customs and traditions play a very important role in the cultural life of any ethnic group. There are customs and traditions with core values which a tradition bound society can hardly afford to do away with even under the most adverse situations. In this book author has discussed in details the most sensitive elements of the Boro society. In this book four important chapters have been included depicting clear picture of the society. The book starts with an introduction of the community which covers their origin, migration, different connotation related to their origin, language, their ethnic links with other ethnic group of Assam, main area of habitation, concentration etc. Chapter one gives the details of life cycle and the customs related to birth, puberty, death and the rituals related to the disposal of death. In the second chapter discussion has been made on customs related to marriage. The third chapter discusses the customs associated with their cultivation, agriculture cycle, beliefs and practices and various festive occasions related to agriculture. Finally the last chapter i.e fourth chapter throws the light on very important aspect of religion and magic of the Boros. Here a clear picture has been drawn on the most beautiful religious performance of Kerai Puja and Garja Puja which gives a special identity to Boro community from rest of the other. They have special dances, songs and even special musical instrument meant for such pujas.
Pagination:  90
Tribal Research Institutes:  Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID:  AIRT/1989/0002
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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