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Record ID: AIRT/2018/0001
Document Type: Research
Title: Domestic Violence Against Tribal Women in Assam With Special Reference to Mising and Tiwa Community
Researcher: Green Heritage
Guide: G C Kakati
Keywords: Domestic Violence
Tribal Women
University: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Dec-2020
Abstract: Violence against women is a manifestation of historically perpetuated unequal distribution of power between men and women which has led to domination and discrimination of women in a patriarchal setup, dictated often by men. Many a times, such discrimination is legitimatized through arguments as well as excuses of culture. Patriarchal culture is often seen validating violence against women as acceptable and desirable. Masculine attributes are seen to de value women and all attributes considered to be feminine, thereby intervening relationships from within. In light of such stances, the present study is dedicated towards understanding domestic violence against Mising and Tiwa tribal women. Tribal women generally enjoy an equal status in comparison to their non tribal counterparts. However, reports of domestic violence cases are not altogether absent even amongst the tribal communities. The study therefore also reviews how reporting of cases related to domestic violence is very poor or minimal, as violence against women within the home and family becomes a difficult phenomenon to deal with because of the legal and public perception that the home and family are private spaces and hence should be outside the purview of law.
Pagination: 97
Tribal Research Institutes: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID: AIRT/2018/0001
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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