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Record ID: AIRT/2007/0004
Document Type: Hand Book
Title: Bhaium Karbir Lok Parampara Aru Geet Mat
Editor/Author: Murulidhar Das
Guide: G C Kakati
Keywords: Folk Tradition
Folk Literature
Tongue Twisters
Sector: Art & Culture
University: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Completed Date: Oct-2007
Abstract: The book Bhaium Karbir Lok Parampara Aru Geet Mat is written by Mr. Murulidhar Das. He has given a beautiful description of the folk tradition and folk song, various folklores of the Plains Karbi inhabiting in various districts of Assam. The traditional Karbi society is characterized with cultural values, equality, fellow-feeling and its folk socio-political institutions. Among them Reso or Bangthe has a great role in the society. Similarly, the oral traditions prevalent among the Karbis in the form of dances and music and folk-tales reflect various dimensions of their community including their notion about the origin of the Karbis. Some of the traditional songs prevalent among the Karbis are very interesting and provide many information regarding their society and culture. In traditional Karbi society, every occasion is a ritual and every ritual is an occasion. There are as many incantations or hymns as there are rituals. Ritual incantations cover almost the entire life-cycle of a Karbi. Among the Plains Karbi certain traditional institution plays very vital role. Taranghem or Deka Chang is one of such institution that acts as village court. Similarly, some folk socio-cultural occasion has a dominant role in the Karbi society. It shows their strong solidarity and social cohesion. Bar Bihu, Domahi, Domahi Alun, nomenclature (Amen Kiwi) ceremony of a new born etc. are very interesting occasion among the Karbi. Karbi folk literature covers different types of myths, legends, tales, folk songs, proverbs, riddles, tongue-twisters, chants and charms transmitted orally from generation to generation. Karbi folk literature is totally local, deeply rooted in folk life. There are folk songs in Karbi folk society befitting different occasion of their socio-cultural life such as birth, purification, death, marriage, work, play, old age, worship etc. The Karbis use the term Alun to suggest a folk song.
Pagination: 106
Tribal Research Institutes: Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes
Record ID: AIRT/2007/0004
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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