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Record ID: SCST/2018/0080
Document Type: Research
Title: An Empirical Ethnographic Study on the Social Status of six communities of Odisha viz1) Puran2) Patra Tanti,3) Mali/Thanpati/ Gandhamali 4)Kalandi Kula5) Nalua Savor6) Bagua (KandhaBagua)
Researcher: SC Mohanty
Editor/Author: AB Ota
Keywords: Ethnography
Scheduled Tribe
Sub Groups And Clans
Socio-Political Life
Religious Practices And Beliefs
Inter Community Relationship
Sector: Ethnographic studies
University: Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, 751003
Completed Date: Jul-2018
Abstract: Ethnographic study on the Social Status of six communities of Odisha was taken up to ascertain their social status to determine whether the community deserve the Scheduled Tribe status. Empirical study of ethnic status of six communities (namely i)Puran, ii) Patra Tanti, iii) Mali/Thanpati/ Gandhamali, iv) Kalandi Kula, (v) Nalua Savor, (vi) Bagua (KandhaBagua)) was conducted covering the districts and rural settlements inhabited by the target communities. Broad base study was done covering the factors like origin and migration of the community, social divisions (sub groups and clans), language spoken, personal appearance, habitat, settlement and housingpattern, rituals observed during life cycle (pregnancy, child birth, puberty rite, marriage, divorce, death), livelihood and traditional occupation pattern, food and drinks, religious life, socio political life, Social Position (Descending order) and Inter community relationship etc. to understand the social status of the community and determine whether the community deserve ST status. Based on the facts and findings of the study the following conclusions were made for each community: Thanapati, Gandhamali and Mali community: Based on the study findings it is very clearly evident that socio-culturally the Thanapati, Gandhamali and Mali community is a higher caste community and possess no tribal traits. As such they are distinguished from the tribal communities by their exclusive social traits and cultural characteristics by which they maintain a distinct ethnic identity. Therefore it is recommended that the Thanapati, Gandhamali and Mali community does not at all deserve to be included in the Scheduled Tribe list of Odisha as a separate entry. Kandha Bagua: The study shows that the Kandha Bagua by their exclusive social and cultural characteristic maintain their distinct ethnic identity but possess absolutely no tribal traits.Therefore it is recommended that the Kandha Bagua Community does not at all deserve to be included in the Scheduled Tribe list of Odisha in a separate entry or as synonym of Tribe Kandha. Puran (Bhanja Puran and Tamudia Puran): The Puran community is distributed in north Odisha and neighbouring areas of the States of Jharkhand and West Bengal.When the Puran community of the neighbouring Jharkhand State are on the verge of getting ST status, it will be a historical injustice to deny the same status to the same community living on the other side of border in Odisha. The Purans have become victims of historical injustice as all their neighbouring tribes like Santal, Kharia, Bhumij, Bathudi, Bhuyan, Kolha, Lodha, Mahali, Munda, Kol-Lohara etc are enjoying the benefits of ST status since decades except the Purans who inspite of possessing all the prescribed tribal traits are deprived of the same ST status. Keeping in view the above facts it may be considered to include Puran (Bhanja Puran and Tamadia Puran / Tamudia Puran / TamuriaPuran / Tamaria Puran) in the S.T. list of Odisha as a new entry
Pagination: 100
Tribal Research Institutes: SC/ST Research & Training Institute, Odisha
Record ID: SCST/2018/0080
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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