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APTM_2017_0004_handbook.pdfLand Rights of Adivasis - Key Judgements on Tribal Land Alienation78.37 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Record ID:  APTM/2017/0004
Document Type:  Hand Book
Title:  Land Rights of Adivasis
Researcher:  Palla Trinadharao
Editor/Author:  Department of Tribal Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Keywords:  Land Governance in Scheduled Areas
Land Transfer Regulation Act
AP Agency Rules 1924
Principle of Resjudicata
GOs Benefitting Non-Tribals
Land Transfer
Doctrine of adverse possession
Sector:  Forest Rights
University:  Department of Tribal Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Feb-2017
Abstract:  Land is most important natural asset from which the tribals derive their security and social status. The nature of tribal relationship with land in distinct from the economic relationship that the non-tribal society has with land. In the context of tribal life, the relationship is not merely economic in nature but occupies a spiritual and emotional space in tribal life. The Land Transfer Regulations 1 of 70 prohibits transfer of lands not only between the tribals and non tribals but also among the non tribals in Scheduled Areas of Andhra Pradesh. This book is a compilation of more than 80 judgements dealing with the LTR and is meant to provide easy reference to those interested in basic information about the judicial interpretation of the law on this subject. The list of judgements summarized here is not exhaustive but most of the judgements given in a capsule form. The full text of the judgements can be read in the law journals cited after the title of the case. This is books is also an attempt to provide a compilation of executive directions given by the Governments to the officials from time to time for effective implementation of Land Transfer Laws in the scheduled Areas.
Pagination:  111
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID:  APTM/2017/0004
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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