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APTM_1963_0095_report.pdfThe Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh39.56 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
Record ID:  APTM/1963/0095
Document Type:  Statistical Hand Book
Title:  The Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh
Researcher:  P Kamalamanohararao
Editor/Author:  TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Keywords:  Demography
Andhra Pradesh
Sector:  Demography
University:  Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Aug-1963
Abstract:  The total tribal population of Andhra Pradesh according to 1961 Census is 13,24,368 and constitutes 3.68 per cent and 4.43 per cent of the total population of the State and the total Scheduled Tribes population of India, respectively. The density of tribal population in the State is 12 persons per square mile. The ratio of females per thousand males is 976 in the entire State. according to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes-List Modification Order, 1956, Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 33 Scheduled Tribes with varying traditions, cultural and economic levels inhabiting the State. they are found in the Scheduled as well as plain areas of the State. The occupation of the tribal people is mainly agriculture. 29.5 percent of them are cultivators and 20.8 percent are agricultural labourers. Almost all the tribals collect minor forest produces. The Chenchus are very good experts in bamboo cutting and honey collection. All the tribal people supplement their diet by hunting, fishing and food gathering. Now the tribals are also engaged in non-agricultural operations like household industries, mining, construction works, trade and commerce, transport and communications and Government services. The tribals of Andhra Pradesh are very rich in languages and dialects. The tribal religion consists of animism and Totemism. The tribal pantheon includes numerous deities and devils. The traditional tribal councils play an important roe in the social and religious life of the people. Marriage by capture, by service, by elopement, and by mutual consent and negotiation are practiced by the tribal people and levirate and sororate system also practice of the tribes. Monogamy is the most common form of marriage among these people. Polygamy, divorce and widow remarriages are also permitted. A knowledge of socio-economic religious and political conditions of these people will help in formulating and implementing the various developmental programmes. The list of Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh, State and District wise population, list of villages included in Scheduled areas of Andhra Pradesh, occupation structure added in the annexures in the report.
Pagination:  124
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID:  APTM/1963/0095
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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