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Record ID:  APTM/1969/0068
Document Type:  Research
Researcher:  R Pratap
Editor/Author:  TCR&TI Andhra Pradesh
Guide:  MV Krishnarao
Keywords:  Shifting Cultivation Schemes
Podu Cultivation
Cultural Factors
Coffee Plantation
Sector:  Livelihoods (Farm/ Non Farm)
University:  Department of Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh
Completed Date: Aug-1969
Abstract:  The tribal belt of the State, especially the hill slopes and forest clearings of West Godavari, East Godavari, Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam Districts can be divided into innumerable small ecological problem areas, in each of which man lives in the greatest possible dependence on environment by eking out a meagre livelihood through shifting cultivation. Podu cultivation is one of the most baffling problems of the Agro-based economy of the tribal areas eluding a permanent solution since a long time. Two types of podu, viz., Chelka podu and Konda podu are in vogue in the tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh. The cost of cultivation analysis of single crop and mixed crop of Podu patches done by the Officer-trainees of Forest and Agricultural Departments deputed to TCR&TI, are given in this report. The data were collected in Bhadragiri Block area in the year 1964. The analysis reveals that cultivating single crops on podu fields is in no way profitable to the tribal whereas, a marginal benefit by growing mixed crops. The multiplicity of social, economic and cultural factors has contributed to the wide spread prevalence of podu in the tribal areas. In Andhra Pradesh about 7.55% of the tribals are estimated to be engaged in podu cultivation involving an area of about 42,000 acres. During the survey the opinion of the tribals regarding acquiring occupancy rights over the podu patches and their willingness to accept alternate occupations like settled cultivation was also ascertained. The study reveals that 101 tribals contacted in the 5 villages of Bhadragiri, only 8 villagers are willing to have occupancy rights and 3 tribals are against leaving podu even when they are provided with alternate lands. As the evil effects of podu outweigh the benefits, the Government has started many schemes for the effective control of soil erosion and for weaning away the tribals from shifting cultivation by making alternate arrangements to provide them a better occupation. The Coffee Plantation, Land Colonization, Machkund Soil Conservation and Machkund Basin Pilot Demonstration Project schemes are introduced in the agency areas of East Godavari, Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam Districts under this programme. The professional research agronomist and anthropologist can give the necessary understanding of the nature of shifting cultivation in the tribal areas.
Pagination:  50
Tribal Research Institutes:  Tribal Research Institute, Andhra Pradesh
Record ID:  APTM/1969/0068
Appears in Collections:Tribal Affairs

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